I finished it TODAY! This cast iron head has been haunting me for 2 years, at least. The motivation to finish it came after an email I received from my elementary school art teacher informing me that her position was being terminated. One year before retirement.
I thought that this was fitting for the show that is being planned back home in the Evansville Public Library. Hopefully they will hang it. I will admit that it is not my best work but the idea behind it is more important.
PS. I still have a lot of passion for Evansville and the school district. I give them a lot of credit for my ability to be a free thinker and constantly push for success. My only problem is the new administration that is currently in place and the lack of integrity. Evansville is a 4-5+ generation community. It prides its self on family farm operations, artist community and progressive environmental projects. We thrive because of our small town values and belief in the greater good.
I would hate to see that change because of a new school philosophy.